Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Project Garage–FINISHED

We finally finished our 29 Days of Organization.  This post maybe a little long due to the rules of this project.  I will be posting before/after pictures of our project.  First off – Let me answer some of the questions that are required.
  • 1.  What space did you decide to organize and why?  We chose our Garage for a couple of reasons.  First was that we could BARELY walk from the front to the back without falling over something.  Second was my Hubby likes to do his own auto repair and he got a new car  (he was in a wreck in December and his truck was totaled).  It was a used car and he wants to fix it up.
  • 2.  What steps did you take to ensure you completed the space within the 29 day timeline?  Hubby and I took a few vacation days so we could have a 3-day weekend for our project.
  • 3.  What was the hardest part of the challenge for you and how did you overcome it?  I would have to say the amount of STUFF that had to be dealt with and the fact that we had rain that came in on our weekend off. 
  • 4.  What did you do with the “stuff” you were able to purge our of your newly organized space?  A lot of the “Stuff” was for the Pee Wee Football Association that we volunteer so we got a small storage building to hold all of the equipment that we use during the Football season.  (Coolers, tents, chairs, storage tubs with uniforms, t-shirts etc)  I made a lot of trips to Goodwill and 1 trip to a friends house with a dresser and clothes.  We put some items by the curb for “Free” donations and threw out a lot of trash!!!!!  We bought some plastic 55 Gallon drums to dump the MANY detergent containers that were full of oil.
  • 5.  Tell me one of your proudest moments during this challenge?  The fact that Hubby was able to pull in his vehicle to work on it and now he is OBSESSED with keeping it clean.  He keeps saying that he isn’t going to let it get dirty again.
  • 6.  Explain any organizing “tools” you used to help you create additional space and to establish some limits and boundaries?  We bought the plastic drums to hold the extra oil (which will be picked up by the oil recycling company).  We took a shelf unit that I wasn’t able to utilize and moved it by the back door to hold extra kitchen appliances, drinks and misc items. 
  • 7.  What is ONE piece of advice you’d give to someone else to encourage them on their organizational journey?  Take the 1st step – the outcome is such an accomplishment.
Well here we go -


Monday, February 27, 2012

Baking Cabinet

After our Project Garage, I have decided that I probably need to organize more places in our house.  My goal is to at least organize 1 place a week. 
As I was standing in the kitchen, debating on what to bake, I realized that this area really needed help.
Baking Cabinet.1
Baking Cabinet.4
Here is the bottom shelf with my measuring cups/spoons, baking soda, etc.
Baking Cabinet.2
Baking Cabinet.3
And here is the top shelf, Powdered Sugar, Brown Sugar, Sifting Cups, etc.
I went through and made sure everything was in date, and added these shelf's I found at Dollar General.  They help utilize the space to be able to see more of what is actually there.
What is your latest organization project?


Here is an update about Bloglovin from Jenny @ The NY Melrose Family about why she joined Bloglovin:
     Alright lovelies, are you ready for the greatest thing since GFC?  Well then you need to check out Bloglovin'!  What's Bloglovin' you ask?  Well, only the greatest way to keep track of the blogs that you love.  With the discontinuation of Google Friends Connect, I decided that I needed to find another way to keep up with all of my favorite blogs that are not hosted by blogger.  I signed up for Linky Followers and I've had great success with gaining new followers, but I’m finding I don’t get any traffic to my site from Linky.  I also do not enjoy reading my favorite blogs from there.  I stumbled upon Bloglovin' and I am in love!  It is very similar to Google Reader, in that you can see the beginning of the post and the first picture attached to the post.  Plus, Bloglovin' automatically updates your posts, unlike Linky Followers, which you have to manually update each time you write a new post.  I don't know about you, but I just don't have the time to do that every time.  Another added bonus is there is a Bloglovin' application for IPhone and Android devices.  Woohoo!  Like I don't spend enough time reading blogs.  Now it's a simple touch.  Love it!

Today she is doing a Blog Hop with some other wonderful people - Here are the directions if you want to join - this information is from Randee's Organized Chos

So let’s get to the blog hop.  This is a party so make sure to have some fun and mingle.  There’s only a couple of rules:
1.       Please follow all three hostesses – The NY Melrose FamilySchool House Scraps & Randee's Organized Chaos
2.      Add Bloglovin' to your blog.

3.      Post our button for the blog hop on your page to promote the fun.

I know I probably didn't do this post justice - I will in fact figure out how to get this "Blog" thing down soon, I promise :)


I've teamed up with Bloglovin - let's see if I did this correctly - LOL

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thanks - Michelle

Dessert Skewers

I found this recipe over on Pinterest (which I can’t see to get off of) so I thought I would give it a try.  I had a Girls night of Pokeno and wanted to try something new.

Dessert Skewer.1
I started with a loaf of Angel Food Cake, Strawberries and some wooden skewers.  I put 3 of each on each skewer and that seemed about the right amount.
Dessert Skewer.3
I took some White Almond Bark and melted it, make sure to stir about every 10 sec after 1 min. (don’t ask I how I found this out – no the smoke alarm didn’t go off, haha)
Dessert Skewer.5
Here is a neat trick, place a ziploc bag into a cup to hold your chocolate.
Dessert Skewer.Dessert Skewer.6
See how easy this was – and NO mess – what a clever idea.  Then I snipped off a corner and drizzled over the skewers.
Dessert Skewer.7Dessert Skewer.8
I just put them in the fridge for about 30 min to harden up.
These were so good
Have a great day – Michelle

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cookie Jar

Yesterday I went to a Thrift store that I hadn't been to before to check it out.  I really wasn't looking for anything in particular, but something did catch my eye.

I found this jar for a whopping $1.55 (can you believe that!). I looked for another one, but didn't find one.  Then I found a stencil that I liked and used Elmer's Etching and filled in the design.  I guess I should have taken pictures along the way.  (I need to remember to do that).  You leave the etching on for 60 sec then just wash it off.  Remember to be careful with this stuff, it is an acid and will burn whatever it touches.  If you aren't comfortable with using Etching, I have see a post, but I don't remember where, that you can use Spray Paint, the one for Frosting, to get the same effect.

This is my finished project - I'm still going to etch the other side, but I haven't decided to do the same cupcake or another design.

What have you found lately at your Thrift Store?

I've linked this up over @ Tip Junkie 

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Project Garage–Update

Well if you have been following along with me during my Organizing Junkie 29 Days of Organization, you know my project was our Garage DISASTER.  Well, I will have to say we have finished, for the most part.  Here are the rest our before/after pictures. You can go back to the prior post for the other pictures. here & here.
Here is the hubby trying to soak up all of the spilled oil with kitty litter.  His mess, he gets to sweep, LOL

There was actually a workbench under there after all.

The blue barrels will be picked up by the Oil Recycling company so they will be out of the way.  I’m thinking we will have to turn the weight bench the other direction so we can actually play darts without the weight bench in the way.
The whole purpose of this CLEAN was for hubby to be able to get the cars in the garage again to work on them.
I believe we accomplished that.  We still have items that we need to finish – taking down the existing shelves above the washer/dryer area and replace with cabinets.  Also going to replace the shelves with his “products” with cabinets.  I’m thinking we are going to go to the local Builders Surplus and see what they have.
I hope everyone had as much of a “Sigh of Relief” when you were finished as we did.  I can honestly say that now Hubby has told EVERYONE how clean his garage is and makes sure it is picked up EVERYDAY.
I think I have created a Clean Monster (that might not be such a bad thing for me).

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Operation Garage–Part 1

We finally got started on our project for the 29 Days of Organization.  This was the first time we have had a chance to work on the project. After a few trips to Lowes for storage tubs and trash bags we were ready to start.   Hubby & I both took Friday off and he was “kind” enough to also take off the weekend.  We  have our son and his best friend to help with the moving of items and “errand” runners.  Since the majority of the items in the garage was “stuff” for football season (coolers, footballs, jerseys, chairs, etc. – we both volunteer for the local Pee Wee Football Association) we got a storage building to keep all of these items close to the football field.  Obviously this cleared out a lot.  The local Goodwill got a couple of car loads.  We aren’t completely finished, but I hope to be done by then end of the project.


I’m beginning to see the floor again.  The washer got picked-up from the curb (yes it did work) and the TV went to Goodwill.  The bed frame is going in our guest room (another project).  Is it possible we will be able to play darts again?


Our son, left, and his best friend pouring out TONS of oil into a 55 gallon drum.  Yes all of the detergent containers behind him are the ones they have already emptied.  We ended up filling 1 1/2 drums of oil.  We are going to call a oil recycle company to come pick up the drums.

All the Christmas is cleaned up & will be replaced with extra storage bins and a shelf unit in the front to hold extra drinks and small appliances that don’t fit in the house.


I FINALLY have a laundry area again!  I can’t believe it.  We moved the deep freeze next to the dryer.  (Yes I will get the freezer fixed AFTER my Fridge in the house is fixed)  If you notice I have a FLIP-N-FOLD hanging above the freezer.  The is probably the best thing I have bought, it is so handy when folding shirts I can’t believe I never got one earlier, what was I thinking.  (Probably the best $20 from the Container Store I ever spent, LOL) and with plenty of room to fold, the laundry baskets will now fit between the washer & dryer and I moved the hanging rack over to the other side.  Hubby “says” that once he takes down the above shelves, he is going to put up some rods above the freezer so I can hang clothes here.
I can also get to the recycle bin again, so we can start taking advantage of this service.
As you can tell, we still have to finish  - but we are making Progress, which feels WONDERFUL.
Updates still to come – Michelle

Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

I saw post on Pinterest and thought it looked oh so yummy & sinful, so I thought I would give it whirl.  The original post is from Family Bites.  I think I'm gonna have to start following her more often.

Here is what my turned out to look like:

Just waiting for them to cool off to eat them :)

I will have to say they are as rich as they look - Enjoy - Michelle

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday Social Party

I've joined my first "Social Party."  I've  found some new bloggers, just like me that are just starting up.  This has been quite an experience.

This Party links up every Sunday over at The Kurtz Corner,  I will have to say, I still have alot to learn!

Have a great week,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Garage Update

Hubby is taking off next weekend to work on our "Project."  This week I'm going to try & figure out if I will need some new bins/containers (DUH), and make a Plan of where I want everything to go - I'm sure it will be a very LONG list.

On top of this little challenge - my fridge in the house has decided to stop working.  Luckily we had the "drink" one in the garage so I was able to move some items.  But unfortunately, not all the items that were in the freezer (if only the one in the garage was working, I wouldn't have had this problem) and all the food got trashed.

Oh well!

Everyone have a great weekend!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project: Garage

Well, I was finally able to get some pics of the Garage DISASTER (I'm not joking).  This is my project for 29 Day Organizing challenge.    I can't believe I'm actually going to post these, but here it goes:

This is to the left of the back door when you walk into the garage, under the stairs.  I try to keep all of the Christmas decorations under here.  The washer/dryer is opposite of this area.

This is just next the the above mentioned.  Yes, that is a deep freeze under that LARGE stack of clothes (the freezer stopped working).  All these clothes need to go to donate b/c they no longer fit (yea weight watchers).

This is what you see when you first walk through the door to do the laundry - not always the best sight!

Looking back at the washer/dryer, and yest the freezer

This is our extra fridge, it holds all of our drinks and then Hubby's "Tool Area"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sewing Basics

I have sewn for awhile now (we won't say how many years) but tonight I took a "Needles & Threads" class at my local sewing store.  I knew there were different needles out there, but you know, sometimes you can get in a hurry and just not pay attention.   When I got my Embroidered Sewing machine I knew that I would have to get special thread and needles for my designs, but didn't realize the extent of the choices out there.

Needless to say (no pun intended) this class was very interesting.  I was surprised at how much information I learned.  It's like the old saying, you're never to old to learn.

I have been taking classes off & on for the past year, when I have time, but I think I'm going to have to get a binder together to keep up with all the information, my notes and sewing samples.

I'm hoping that with the new stuff I have learned my finished projects with have that "extra" touch. 


First Step Done....many to go

I have decided that if I want to post pictures on this blog, I will have to put them on my computer first...duh!  So I have downloaded my SD card to my computer, now to organize these pictures.  I have this slight problem with OCD sometimes (I know Really?)

I know I want to organize our garage but my CRAFT room really needs to be organized also.  As I was "picking up" last night and kept putting "stuff" in there I just kept thinking, I really need to get this room done!  But the matter has now been taken out of my "hands".  Hubby has decided it has to be the garage!  He was in a wreck before Christmas and totaled his truck!, yes unfortunately it was just paid off.  So for a replacement vehicle, he bought an older (1998) Mustang GT.  Needless to say, he is wanting to "FIX" it up and would like to be in the garage to do this instead of working in the driveway - Go Figure LOL

Anyway, I plan on getting pictures of the DISASTER this weekend and will post them!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


OK, I have decided to try this "blog" thing out.  I'm going to hook up with Laura @ Organizing Junkie's 29 day of Organization - Organizing Junkie .  I still need to figure out how to link - so this will also be a work in progress.  LOL

I have 2 areas that I can't decide which one to choose for my challenge.  Probably the worst one in our garage - Hubby would really like to be able to work on the cars IN the garage instead of the driveway, but I also have a craft/spare room, that I would like to be able to walk around and find things.  It will probably be the garage - we live in Texas and since it isn't that cold right now (and before we reach 100) this would probably be the best time.

I will try to get the before pics taken so I can post on the challenge page, and then update as I go through the month.  

My goals:

  • be able to actually use the garage AS A GARAGE
  • find what I'm looking for
  • be able to get to the recycle bin (so that I can actually take it to the curb)
My laundry area is also in the garage so unfortunately I  have to look at this mess all the time and it can be quite depressing and overwhelming.

Good luck to everyone

P.S. Thanks to Karen @ Sew Many Ways for talking me into blogging, fingers crossed!